Coffee Roaster
Jamaica Blue Mountain® Coffee is grown in the deep rural Blue Mountains of Jamaica. The unique and exquisite flavours of this invigorating blend is thanks to a single Arabica plant delivered as a gift almost three centuries ago; the rest, of course is history.
To this day, Jamaica Blue Mountain® Coffee is noted the world over for its distinctive aroma and deliciously subtle taste. Jamaica Blue Mountain® coffee is often hailed as the most sought after coffee in the world.
Coffee Roaster of Jamaica came to Interscope Productions to try and catapult their creative evolution to new heights and develop
what is already an iconic brand.

We found the answer in the name by training our creative viewfinder on the birthplace of the product. Thus, in our new vision, Coffee Roasters of Jamaica became symbolic of its Blue Mountain backdrop. Of course, we didn’t want to forget about the natural goodness of the coffee itself. This is why you will find a strong coffee bean symbol emblazoned above the brand logo.
Interscope also delivered the extended premium range of Coffee Roaster of Jamaica coffees. We changed the mood by swapping the daylight skyline for the darkness night-time. Profound blue interference inks highlight the mountains and their significance within the coffee production process, while also lending the packaging that crisp, premium edge.